| Tomorrow's World

Endangered wheat supplies.

This winter has been the “driest” in 44 years in Texas—which is America’s second-largest wheat producing state. The drought is also negatively affecting cattle land and thus cattle herds. A March 20 report noted that “More than half the wheat fields and pastures [in Texas] were rated in poor or very poor condition.”

The “Voice of Old”

A long time ago, a powerful ancient Egyptian ruler came to witness the power of a Being that was foreign to him. A voice said to this mighty Pharaoh, “Now if I had stretched out My hand and struck you and your people with pestilence, then you would have been cut off from the earth. But indeed for this purpose I have raised you up, that I may show My power in you, and that My name may be declared in all the earth” (Exodus 9:15–16).

Minister chastised for preaching against hell.

Evangelical pastor Rob Bell has been called a “rock star pastor” by many. In his new book, Love Wins: A Book About Heaven, Hell, and the Fate of Every Person Who Ever Lived, Bell suggests that most non-Christians will not burn in an everlasting hell fire and that the Bible does not support such a concept.  Predictably, Bell’s book attracts “fire-and-brimstone” condemnation from the Christian establishment.

Earthquakes in diverse places

Earthquakes are always in the news. On Friday, March 11, 2011, an earthquake of magnitude 9.0 struck in Japan, generating a devastating tsunami. Thousands are reported killed. Why are we having these devastating earthquakes, seemingly one right after another?

Financial terrorism.

An unclassified 2009 report produced by a U.S. government contractor concluded that the 2008 economic crash may have been perpetrated in part by international financial terrorists.
