| Tomorrow's World

Last chance in Jerusalem?

Is it the destiny of Europe to become more actively involved in the Middle East as events hurtle toward the climactic return of Jesus Christ? Will it begin to exercise a strong influence in the region of, and even militarily occupy, the Holy Land? Your Bible plainly affirms that this will be the case.

The other side of "Twilight"

In a helpful previous commentary, Karl Harmdierks covered the occult concepts behind the Twilight stories that are so terribly popular these days – both in printed word and on silver screen – and even more could be said.  However, there is an additional aspect about these stories that make them very dangerous to their obsessively devoted young fans – and to their not-so-young fans, as well.

Should children be in church?

Apparently, there is a growing topic of concern in Christianity these days: "Should children be in church?" One morning, as I sat going through the day's news, I read an interesting article on the matter in the Wall Street Journal—"Seen and Not Heard in Church," by Laura Vanderkam.

Bah! Humbug!

The sounds, the smells, the colorful lights and decorations; folks being thoughtful and remembering the poor, good feelings all around; what could possibly be wrong with any of this? Short days, cold, long nights can use some brightening up and some cheerful activities, so "Just leave me alone" the devotees to Christmas might say to those who decry the celebrations of the season.

Should you sign the Manhattan Declaration?

The Manhattan Declaration will soon surpass 300,000 signatures.  Considered "a call of Christian conscience," and endorsed by more than 140 religious leaders, the declaration boldly endorses: 1) the sanctity of human life, including of the unborn, 2) the sanctity of heterosexual marriage, and 3) religious liberty.  Have you considered signing the declaration?  And more importantly, would Jesus? 
