| Tomorrow's World

The Ides of March: from Julius Caesar to the modern Caesars

"The Ides of March" has become an ominous date.  March 15 is the anniversary of the murder of Julius Caesar ... but the empire he once ruled lives on!  As March 15 approaches, it is timely to remind ourselves that the once-mighty Roman Empire not only remains very much alive, but it will soon clutch the world once again in its iron grip!

Earthquakes, lessons and hope!

Haiti and Chile are reeling from terrible earthquakes.  As we see the pitiful images of smashed homes, broken bodies, looting and chaos, it is normal to ask questions.  Why did God allow these earthquakes?  Will similar earthquakes strike our nations?  And, if God did allow these earthquakes, then what does He want us to learn from them?

Blasphemers and Naysayers

The world continues its toboggan slide into depravity, and, frankly, into the Great Tribulation. This is a stark reality, but one that we must realize and understand fully. We are living in the end times and the signs of this are becoming more evident and poignant with each passing day.

Does “Hell” Await Us?

One year, during the Super Bowl, as the nation settled down to watch not only a highly anticipated football game, but also the newest (and most expensive) television commercials, a controversy arose over one particularly disturbing ad.


You'll never meet an "average" person. Oh sure, someone might be referred to as "average", but no one ever sees himself as average. Every person is unique.  Certainly, there are some commonalities, but each human being is made up of the genetic hand he or she has been dealt, along with life's experiences, environment, culture, religion. etc. Some individuals excel in life and stand out, others live their lives in "quiet desperation" as spoken of by the poet Thoreau.
