| Tomorrow's World

Is polygamy draining the French economy?

Europe is locked in a desperate struggle against growing national debt problems and financial contagion. Nations from Spain to Italy to France are freezing spending, cutting salaries, reducing welfare programs and cutting operating costs (Reuters, "Austerity measures around the Eurozone," June 8, 2010). With all that Europe has to worry about, it may be surprising that polygamy may be contributing to Europe's fiscal woes.

Is polygamy draining the French economy?

Europe is locked in a desperate struggle against growing national debt problems and financial contagion.  Nations from Spain to Italy to France are freezing spending, cutting salaries, reducing welfare programs and cutting operating costs (Reuters, "Austerity measures around the Eurozone," June 8, 2010).  With all that Europe has to worry about, it may be surprising that polygamy may be contributing to Europe's fiscal woes.

21 on 21 – A deadly game!

The "21 on 21" ritual is a game of "Russian Roulette" – twenty-one shots of alcohol on your 21st birthday. This cultural trend has frightening and destructive implications. What should you know about "21 on 21" so that you can protect your children, or yourself, from this game's potentially deadly consequences?

TV has gone too far – again

You may have seen the news – a new satire about God being developed by the Comedy Central channel.  It's a cartoon called "JC", short for Jesus Christ.  A recent Washington Post article of May 6 reports that this new cartoon show is "about Christ trying to get out from the shadow of his 'powerful but apathetic father' so He can lead a typical New York life" ("Comedy Central: No to Muhammad – but Yes! to Jesus").

Satan's secret society and true Christianity

Secret societies such as the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderbergers, the Illuminati, the Burschenschaft and Opus Dei, are favorite topics of talk radio, Internet sites, books and movies. As evidenced by the popularity of blockbuster movies such as "Enemy of the State" and "Angels and Demons" to "Doomsday 2012: End of Days," as well as that of talk radio hosts like Michael Savage, Glenn Beck and Alex Jones, society is fascinated by conspiracy theories and clandestine organizations supposedly manipulating the masses.
