| Tomorrow's World

A morsel before I die

Before the Haiti earthquake killed more than 150,000 and left thousands more orphaned and injured, it was already a very desperate place.  Unemployment was well above 50%.  Corruption and brutality were common.  And many people in Port au Prince survived on only $200 a year.  That was before the earthquake.  But, as terrible as it is in Haiti, even now – much worse is coming.

Rethink Church

"Rethink Church" has at times been a popular slogan. Do you want to be part of Jesus' faithful church; the "little flock" (Luke 12:32) that Jesus promised would never cease (Matthew 16:18)? If so, then here are ten Biblical keys to help us "rethink church" and analyze whether we are following Christ—or false human ideas.

Stolen Water is Sweet

The commercial was ending as I returned with my snack into the living room. The website address and the catch phrase remained on the screen like a stain on the carpet.  "Life is short. Have an affair," read the website's catch phrase. My shock was entangled with confusion and disbelief. Was this a crude joke? Did I just see an advertisement promoting an extra-marital affair? Has the concept of "Whatever happens here stays here" overtaken every aspect of life?

Is God Part of Your Marriage?

I first laid eyes on my husband when I was 22 years old.  Our eyes locked for just a moment, but the connection had been made.  We were married three years later, and this much older and wiser man of 28 began to teach me many things.  I learned very quickly that I could have most anything I wanted, because he was a "giver."

Why intense suffering?

British citizens, Paul and Rachel Chandler have been held hostage in Somalia for more than seven months.  They have endured beatings and solitary confinement for periods of up to 100 days.  Recently, a local Somali journalist was able to interview them for ITN.
