| Tomorrow's World

Adultery, deceit and duplicity

The accusations against former senator John Edwards have hit a new depth of scintillation and depravity.  In full public view, the once presidential candidate has fallen from power amidst scandalous accusations of adultery and deceit.

The tablet of your heart

Recently, the digital world of cyber space was rocked by the latest offering from Apple, as Steven Jobs, the legendary founder of this iconic company, unveiled the new tablet computer called the iPad.

What's wrong with marriage?

Judging by what is shown on prime time television, "happily ever after" is just another myth. From sitcoms that portray the marriage bed like a game of musical chairs, to shows that depict monogamy in loveless marriages – the outlook is gloomy indeed. But is that reality?

Lessons from an Olympian

On February 28, 2010, Canadian Brian McKeever will line up next to the best cross country skiers in the world for the 50k event at the 21st Olympic Winter Games in Vancouver, British Columbia.  He will do so with a distinct disadvantage – Brian is legally blind.  Stargardt's disease has claimed most of Brian's eyesight, leaving him with less than 10 percent vision, all of it peripheral.

Western Civilization in moral decay?

Recent news articles have speculated about the "end of Western civilization." Interestingly enough, as you read through those articles, the reasons put forth for the end of our way of life have stemmed from our lack of energy conservation awareness to our addiction to oil for our energy needs. Political issues, environmental issues, educational issues are all put forth as arenas for the salvation of mankind.
