| Tomorrow's World

Someone or something to worship

The adulation and hysteria surrounding the [almost new] American president is beginning to wane. That is, until the recent news video from New Jersey showing school children singing praises to President Obama.  From the onset of his candidacy to the inauguration, every appearance, every interview, and every public statement, had many of the masses and media alike gushing with admiration and praise!

Nimrod's promise

While it is doubtful that President Obama even knows about the Tomorrow's World Bible Study Course, his September 25, 2009 speech on the accomplishments of the recent G20 summit contained nearly identical language to what the Living Church of God published more than nine years ago, and echoed Nimrod's promises from four millennia past.

It takes a village to raise a child.

In this age of "latch-key" children in which the parenting of small children is often left to the hired help, the concept of shifting the burden of child care to others is very popular.

Broken pride

Sadness does not fully convey the emotion I have experienced in recent days. As a patriotic citizen of the United States of America, one who has experienced the blessings showered upon this nation, I have seen the blessings our citizens have received since the founding of this country, seemingly evaporating before my eyes.

The last Pharaoh?

You will soon become familiar with Tirhakah.  He was a mighty Egyptian pharaoh – a historic King of the South embroiled in incessant war with a historic King of the North.  Tirhakah will again become famous largely because Will Smith (of "Men in Black",  "Ali" and "Hitch" fame) intends to star in a movie "of epic proportions" about him.  But students of prophecy should be interested in Tirhakah for other reasons.
