| Tomorrow's World

Criticism of the Bible

There are many critics of the Bible. Some pass severe judgment and condemn with condescension the authenticity, origin, and accuracy of the Bible. Some allege contradictions or errors in the Bible to discredit the word of God. Is the word of God reliable?

False Sense of Honour

How do you define honour? In times past, the word honour was reserved for those with an exceptional sense of honesty, integrity and loyalty. Recently, it has been used in a new way which acts as a slap in the face of those who actually seek to personify those three virtuous traits.  Honour has become an acceptable way to describe a man dealing out his own justice and taking the life of his wife or daughter.

Security and prosperity

Americans and Europeans tend to work long years with the expectation and hope of providing enough resources for a pleasant retirement. The usual desire is to have leisure time with ample prosperity for its enjoyment.

Until death do us part

Sitting here in the midst of the Tucson, Arizona aftermath, and the near-frantic journalistic analysis of every political aspect of this tragedy of human suffering, it is getting difficult to remember just what did happen. The shouts of accusations of what really caused it, for the most part, have diminished the incredible acts of bravery that took place, as human beings reached out to help human beings, regardless of their own lives.

Are you a victim of "divide and conquer"?

Everybody is a victim of a "divide and conquer" strategy. Often, we do not realize it because we are too close to the emotion and postured wrangling of charges and counter charges, of arguments and personal attacks. This can take place in a home, a church, corporation or business, or on a national or international scale. What can we do?
