| Tomorrow's World

America's Achilles' Heel—The Cloud

Is a secret plot is underway to destroy America and Britain? Recently, computer networks in the United States and in South Korea have come under a sustained series of attacks. Although these recent attacks have done little damage, they do highlight an increasing threat: cyber warfare. What is at stake in the frontier battleground of cyberspace? How will you be affected by future cyber attacks?

From recession, to depression, to slavery

After a brutal hammering, global stock markets are on track for their best rebound in 20 years and talk of economic recovery is becoming more common.  However, unfortunately, the reality is that more than ever before, America and Britain risk rapid economic collapse.  What is really happening on the world economic front … and why?

Dangers of visual immorality

Society today seems inundated with visual images of human sexuality. You see it everywhere: ads in the newspaper, scenes on television and in movies, magazines, the Internet, and on the street—people wearing tight or skimpy clothing that screams, "Look at me!" It all encourages roving eyes and roving minds. Is all this perfectly harmless, or does it have a potentially harmful impact if left unchecked?

Christ stated in Mathew 5:28: "But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart."

It's Your Time

In the human experience, there is a great equalizer. No matter who we are, rich or poor, or somewhere in between, everyone has the same amount of it. It is what your life is made of.

Satan's WMD

Over the past several years, there has been much debate as to whether Iraq's former malevolent dictator, Sadaam Hussein, possessed Weapons of Mass Destruction prior to the U.S.-led invasion by a "coalition of the willing."

Some former military officers have alleged that Iraq sent weapons out of the country to Syria in military truck convoys and several gutted 747 aircraft flying sorties from Iran "caught on tape" by U.S. spy satellites,. However, once under Coalition control, actual WMD were not found – even after diligent search.
