| Tomorrow's World

Did life evolve?

Did life as we know it today evolve? Was there a starting point from which the world began? The Bible says in Genesis 1:1: "In the beginning." In v. 11 we see that plant life was created. In v. 20 we see that fish, sea creatures and birds were created. In v. 24 other living creatures made their appearance at God's command. And then, the ultimate creation – man – made in the image of God, was created.

Justice or travesty?

It was the trip of a lifetime. Here we were, touring Scotland after spending some time in Ireland and England. Along the way, with our host, we made a stop that was not on our itinerary—Lockerbie, Scotland. As my wife and I perused the items in the small museum last year, it was a poignant reminder of the tragic downing of Pan American Airlines Flight 103 on December 21, 1988. The horror of the bombing sunk in as we saw the pictures of the victims and the devastation that occurred in the neighborhoods where the plane had plummeted to the ground. What had been a newspaper story and television coverage years before became very real to us as we viewed the pictorial evidence.

Hoping your President is a liar? Really?

A recent Best of the Web Today feature on the Wall Street Journal's website (8/3/2009) had a great section titled "Cynicism: The New Trust" that I found fascinating.  It discussed the fact that some actually seem to want hypocrisy in their leadership, in particular at this time, in the American Presidency.

Can mankind cheat death?

Many scientists consider stem cell research as the hope for sparking healing and regeneration in degenerative organs. They are researching potential applications for limb regeneration, cancer, Alzheimer's disease, and other chronic ailments. Can stem cell research solve mankind's ailments? Could the elusive "fountain of youth" be waiting just around the corner?

A living look at life

A national survey of young people concerning their hopes, dreams and aspirations revealed a rather shocking fact. Most youngsters today want to become celebrities.
