In a recent Russian Izvestia article, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin shared his vision for a Eurasian union. Mr. Putin noted this future union would include several former “Eastern Block” nations, and alsonations from Asia and the Pacific Rim. His vision calls for “a close integration based on new values and economic and political foundation [that] is a demand of the present time.” Mr.
On Sunday, October 23, a 7.2 earthquake shook Turkey, destroying thousands of buildings, killing more than 500 people, injuring more than 1,600 and leaving as many as 40,000 homeless (Telegraph, October 27, 2011; Washington Post, October 27, 2011).
Is it “fun” to play at evil? Should we follow our neighbors, like proverbial lemmings, off the dangerous cliff of pagan practices? Most of society has accepted the lie that Halloween is “innocent fun” and eagerly train their children to take pleasure in symbols of pagan, and even Satanic, evil.
On Monday, October 24, 2011, the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace published its recommendation for a globally empowered international authority over the world’s finances. This move by the Vatican may seem like simply “another academic paper” for policy wonks. But for students of Bible prophecy, the move represents possibilities of tremendous prophetic significance.
For the last several years, oil prices have dropped right around the time of the fall Holy Days (fall in the northern hemisphere, that is). This year appears to be the same. Gasoline (petrol) prices have been dropping for the last several weeks now. Monday, oil reached its lowest price since September 2010. It ended trading in New York at $78 per barrel. Experts believe it will stay low to year’s end (Associated Press, October 3, 2011).