| Tomorrow's World

Texas fires roaring.

While Australia, Colombia, and the American Midwest are suffering from catastrophic flooding, much of the state of Texas is experiencing some of its driest conditions in history.  Additionally, vast portions of the state are ablaze!  Since the fire season began in November 2010, more than 9,100 fires have been responded to, 2.5 million acres have burned, and hundreds of homes have been destroyed (Reuters, April 20, 2011; Texas Forest Service, May 4, 2011).

Rain and flooding.

January witnessed devastating floods across Australia. Colombia has been and is currently experiencing “some of the heaviest rains” in its history—with hundreds dying, more than 140,000 homes damaged or destroyed, and more than three million affected (Seattle Times, April 29, 2011)!  The central U.S. is flooding too.

Gonorrhea could become a “Superbug.”

New data suggest that a sexually transmitted bacterium, gonorrhea, is becoming resistant to the only remaining antibiotic that still kills it. Should it become totally resistant to the drug, gonorrhea could be unstoppable. Untreated gonorrhea usually results in sterility—the inability to have children.

“Welcome to Hell, bin Laden”

As I read the news coverage of Osama bin Laden’s death, one forceful comment jumped out at me: “Welcome to Hell, bin Laden,” wrote Mike Huckabee, former Arkansas governor and 2008 presidential candidate.  Is Huckabee right?  Is Osama bin Laden now in Hell?

Is increasing lawlessness an end-times sign?

On the Mount of Olives, almost 2000 years ago, Jesus Christ spoke a prophecy, which described "lawlessness" abounding in the last days. He gave this prophecy to His disciples, when they asked Him what to look for directly before Christ's Return. Is increasing lawlessness a sign that the end of the world is near?
