| Tomorrow's World

Redeem the time

The sobering and shattering scenes of the tsunami swallowing up the land, the cars, the buildings, the nuclear reactors, and the precious lives of so many people in Japan brings to all of us a sense of incredible loss and sorrow and heartbreak.

A Palestinian state by September?

“For years, Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Salam Fayyad has been a technocrat shaping institutions to be ready for a future Palestinian state. Now he is crisscrossing the West Bank like a prophet, telling his people the dream of sovereignty is about to be fulfilled.”

Why do we pay taxes?

Most of us get a little anxious and complain about tax time each year. How much will our taxes be? How much must we “render unto Caesar”? Why do we have to pay taxes?

Natural disasters—a sign from God?

In the wake of Japan’s recent earthquake and tsunami, Tokyo’s governor referred to the events as tembatsu—or “divine judgment.” Mr. Ishihara subsequently apologized for his religious-sounding comments. However, many around the globe agree with Mr. Ishihara’s initial assessment. A recent poll of Americans revealed that about 40% view natural disasters as “a sign from God.”  That number approaches 60% among Evangelicals, and drops significantly among Catholics and non-Evangelical “Christians” (Foxnews.com, March 24, 2011).

Who's tempting whom?

Are you a man? Are you plagued with battling vivacious visages of semi-clad women so common in modern-day marketing and entertainment? If so, lend me your undivided attention! If you are struggling with the secret seduction of viewing pornography and want help to conquer this societal scourge—read on!
