| Tomorrow's World

Commodities and the coming "Standard-of-Living Shock"

It wasn't the front page headline of the Wall Street Journal, but its message deserves the attention of every American who currently enjoys his way of life.  In Ms. Kelly Evans' small column deep within that paper on February 17, 2011, the title concisely explained what most Americans don't yet understand: "A Standard-of-Living Shock Is the Danger."

Is there an app for that?

One of the latest catch phrases, "Is there an app for that?" came from commercials about the new generation of cell phones. Applications are available that can give you information on virtually any subject and often make available the means to accomplish many things. How about an app for the meaning and purpose of life? Is there an app for that?

America’s foreign creditors.

A recent article highlighted how much of the U.S. debt is held by foreign creditors (approximately 30%). China and Japan combined hold about 40% of the foreign-owned debt. Other creditors include the UK, Russia, Canada, Hong Kong, and many oil-exporting nations in the Middle East.

Christian values under attack.

In what some are calling a “landmark decision,” two UK High Court judges recently ruled that a couple could not serve as foster parents because they believe homosexuality is a sin. The case was brought by a social worker who was worried when the couple would not condone homosexuality. Mrs. Johns, one of the potential foster parents, commented for herself and her husband: “We are prepared to love and accept any child. All we were not willing to do was to tell a small child that the practice of homosexuality was a good thing.”

Super quake hits Japan.

Last week, a 9.0 earthquake struck Japan, the strongest quake recorded to hit Japan. The quake destroyed structures on Japan’s north-east coast and damaged a nuclear power plant that is now releasing radiation. The quake generated a 30 foot-high tsunami that devastated coastal villages. As the tsunami sped west, it also impacted islands in the Pacific and coastal areas along the west coast of North, Central, and South America (USA Today, March 14, 2011, 1A).
