| Tomorrow's World

U.S. debt to finance China's military?

As the United States sees its debt continue to soar out of control, it would be prudent to take time to examine the results of such reckless spending.  Just like any credit card, national debt carries with it the obligation for the debtor to pay interest.  $14 trillion is an immense amount of debt, and it carries with it the burden of substantial interest payments.  Last year alone the U.S. spent just under $413 billion paying off the interest on its loans.

Are You Deceived by Someone's Outward Appearance?

The story goes that a couple was sitting at the counter in a diner enjoying a cup of coffee when the husband nudged his wife and said, “Honey, look at that old couple at the end of the bar. Someday, that will be us.” His wife glanced in that direction and said, with some amusement, “You realize of course that what you see is a mirror at the end of the bar!” This is a humorous reminder that we seldom see ourselves as others see us. It is also true that our mental image of ourselves can be far from the reality of our situation.

A Time to Dance...

Dance, if you can—alone or with someone, even if you are bad at it, especially if you never have danced before. You will thank yourself later, if not immediately. I had always wanted to learn how to dance. The first time I did, I was amazed by how exhilarating it was, combining physical exercise, rhythmic concentration and the challenge of following another person‘s movements across a dance floor. It really forced my mind to work.

Flash Mobs and Bible Prophecy

Jesus famously warned that prior to His Second Coming, “nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom” (Matthew 24:1–7).  Centuries earlier, God warned through Isaiah that at the end of the age, “As for My people, children are their oppressors…” (Isaiah 3:12).  These two prophecies are profoundly related.  Furthermore, there is a sobering connection between these two warnings and the “flash mob” violence that has raged from London to Philadelphia!

Yes or No?

As we walked from the defense attorney’s office to the courthouse, where I was to testify in a dispute over an insurance contract, I mentioned to the attorney that when the witnesses were “sworn in,” that I would not swear. He shot a curious glance my way and asked, “Is that some religious thing?” I responded, “Jesus said, ‘Swear not at all,’” (Matthew 5:34, KJV) and I explained that I take Him at His word. We walked on in silence, and soon were sitting in the courtroom as the presiding judge began the proceedings.
