| Tomorrow's World

What Clyde taught us

In Matthew 23:11 Jesus Christ made the following statement: "But he who is greatest among you shall be your servant."  If you go back and read verses 1 through 10, it is pretty apparent that Jesus is speaking about the hypocrisy of religious and secular leaders who were saying one thing but doing another.   They were puffed up in their own importance and position, not really earning the love and respect of their own people.

Bias in perception

Psychological research over the last few decades has shown that humans have biases that affect our ability to perceive correctly. These biases affect not only our perception but also our judgment, behavior and belief. Biased thinking leads to misunderstanding, wrong decisions, and to costly consequences and mistakes.

False Sense of Honour

How do you define honour? In times past, the word honour was reserved for those with an exceptional sense of honesty, integrity and loyalty. Recently, it has been used in a new way which acts as a slap in the face of those who actually seek to personify those three virtuous traits.  Honour has become an acceptable way to describe a man dealing out his own justice and taking the life of his wife or daughter.

Criticism of the Bible

There are many critics of the Bible. Some pass severe judgment and condemn with condescension the authenticity, origin, and accuracy of the Bible. Some allege contradictions or errors in the Bible to discredit the word of God. Is the word of God reliable?

The Arab world in crisis: Setting the stage for the king of the South?

The Arab world is undergoing a swift and increasingly violent transformation.  How do these tumultuous events align with Bible prophecy?  What is ahead for the Middle East?  Is the stage being set for the emergence of the end-time king of the South?
