| Tomorrow's World

Freedom from Guilt?

Are you sometimes plagued with gnawing feelings of guilt? Do anxious feelings of wrongdoing stir inside you, resulting in thoughts of shame and inferiority? You are not alone!

But why, as human beings, do we have to experience and even be riddled with guilt? The fact is guilt plays a vital role in God’s purpose and plan. What is that role? How should you deal with your guilt?

Which church would Jesus attend?

Some estimate that there are well over 30,000 different church organizations calling themselves Christian; most of which claim to follow the teachings and example of Jesus Christ. How is anyone supposed to sort through so many options? If Christ came back today and looked for the Church He founded, what criteria do you suppose He would use?

Time is Important

What is time? Why is it important? What do we need to know about it? And will time end? The answer to these questions depends on whether you are a physicist, a writer of science fiction, a writer of songs, a philosopher, or a poet.

The Awesome Mind of God

A Yale University astronomer recently suggested that the estimate of the number of stars could be as much as three times more than previously estimated. The new estimate is 300,000,000,000,000,000,000,000. This number is called 300 sextillion in the United States, or 300 trilliard in Europe. Did you know that the Great God calls them all by name?

An Attitude of Gratitude

There is a lot to be said for being grateful. In fact, it has been a subject of research at universities by psychologists during recent decades. This research has concluded that those who are grateful are happier. They also earn more money, are better students, have more friends, and enjoy better health, to name a few of the benefits derived from an attitude and practice of gratitude.

Is this just so much "pop" psychology, or is it for real?
