| Tomorrow's World

The "Great Unknown"?

We have all seen or read tragic news stories about a child being killed by this or that means, or dying of a dreaded disease like cancer or leukemia. Somehow death seems worse when it is a child or young person who had all their hopes and dreams ahead of them. But the death of any loved one, no matter whether young or old, is emotionally painful.

The Truth About Heaven, Hell and Purgatory

What of the false doctrines of heaven, hell, and purgatory? And what of the scriptures that supposedly support these fabrications of human reasoning?

Could You Have Been Fooled?

Most people have heard the famous quote from President Abraham Lincoln: "You can fool all of the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time." There is truth in that statement. But it is also a scary thought that you or I can be fooled at least some of the time. I don't want to be fooled. Do you?

You Might be a Pilgrim

There is a comedian by the name of Jeff Foxworthy who originated the line, "If you (do this or that) … you might be a Redneck!"  On this Thanksgiving Day holiday that started with Pilgrims – just for fun – let's adopt this gimmick to see if "…you might be a Pilgrim!"

The Forgotten Scourge

What a mixed up age we live in today. Abnormal behavior is promoted as "normal" by special interest groups who aggressively press forward their agenda with public demonstrations, litigation and organized pressure to accept what was, for millennia, considered taboo in society.
