| Tomorrow's World

The Czech Republic and the EU.

The euroskeptic president of the Czech Republic recently warned that adoption of new economic policies proposed at the EU Summit in Brussels would lead to political union—something many EU nations want to avoid. In a scathing article, President Klaus told how he was coerced into signing the Lisbon Treaty with promises that no further integration moves would occur for at least 10 years. Now, just two years later, the poor financial climate across Europe is being used to further erode national sovereignty.

Middle East events and Muslim prophecy.

The regime in Iran just approved a powerful video, soon to be released throughout the Middle East. The video analyzes regime changes in the region and the declining health of the Iranian enemy, King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia. It concludes that all these events are signs that the return of the 12th Imam/Mahdi or “Islamic messiah” is imminent. The video also predicts that Iranian President Ahmadinejad will conquer Jerusalem prior to the Imam’s coming.

The Reason for Riots

Rioting is in the news, but is sadly nothing new in one sense. Throughout history, hunger, oppression, injustice, or even drunken celebrations run amok have often sparked civil disturbances. Race and rice, war and whiskey, blackouts and beer, sports and sugar, prisons and politics—have all caused riots. But what is the real reason for riots?

Is the EU splitting?

For nearly two decades, Euro-skeptics have warned that the euro currency would result in division in Europe. The idea of a “two-speed” EU has been mentioned for years, but now appears to be a definite possibility! The 27-member EU is poised to divide into 10 non-Eurozone members and 17 Eurozone members. This “in” group could shrink further as debtor nations are moved “out” of the inner circle.

The high side

Have you noticed that folks love to collect stuff?  In some parts of the country, searching for arrowheads, spear points, and stone or bone tools left by American Indians (Native Americans, if you prefer) is a popular pastime.  It is amazing that after so many years that many specimens are still being found.
