| Tomorrow's World

How Would Jesus Drive?

Have you been cut off in traffic lately? Have you ever been stopped at a red light, only to have the driver across from you turn in front of you the moment the light turns green, violating your right-of-way? Do you frequently find cars dangerously riding your rear bumper? Or perhaps you’re reading this thinking, “Well, I’m usually the one doing the tailgating, but that’s because the people in front of me always seem to be driving way too slow”?

EU debt crisis and the consolidation of power?

A recent article in The Times (of London) read: “The bailouts don’t work but they do allow the EU to build up centralized power at the expense of nation states.”  The author continued, “The political motivation for tightening the debt yoke on Greece, Ireland and Portugal is even clearer.  By turning these countries into permanent debtors to the ECB [European Central Bank] and the various EU bailout funds, Brussels and Frankfurt are enormously increasing the power of centralized European institutions at the expense of nation states” (May 11, 2011). 

Winds of change continue blowing in Europe.

The last couple of weeks have been filled with anticipation and action across Europe.  The Finnish parliament voted for a new prime minister, EU finance ministers approved a bailout package, EU leaders discussed the Greek debt situation—Greece is expected to need another bailout in the future—and the International Monetary Fund’s former head—until recently, a likely candidate for the French presidency—Dominique Strauss-Kahn, is now embroiled in a sex scandal.

Scripture and Homosexual Clergy?

Following the Episcopalians, Evangelical Lutherans, and the United Church of Christ, the 2.3 million member Presbyterian Church (U.S.A) recently voted “to allow the ordination of openly gay and lesbian ministers.”  Instead of voting about it, sincere Christians should look at what God’s word says on the matter.

Growing threat of urban disease outbreaks.

The UN predicts that by the year 2050, the number of people living in cities will double.  However, a recent study warns of an increasing risk for disease outbreaks in cities, “Cities become incubators where all the conditions are met for outbreaks to occur.”
