| Tomorrow's World

Father's Day

As a father, I appreciate the honor given by my children. Each year it is the custom across the length and breadth of our land, to honor mothers and fathers on "their day." Mothers are honored on "Mother's day," and fathers are honored on "Father's day." Do we appreciate that the basis for honoring our fathers and mothers stems from an ancient teaching which was given to our fore-fathers almost three thousand five hundred years ago?

Chinese buying up Europe.

China’s booming economy and massive population are looking for places to invest. Experts expect Chinese takeovers of European companies will greatly increase by 2020.  From 2003-2005, Chinese investment in Europe totaled just $853 million. From 2008-2010 the number jumped to almost $40 billion.  China now controls 118 European businesses, with the backing of the Chinese government.

Watch Your Words

A prominent citizen and I shook hands on a deal to buy my house, as I was preparing to be transferred to another area. A smile of relief was on my face. But my relief disappeared a few weeks later when I found that nothing had been done to keep our deal. By that time, I had already been transferred and had acquired another house.

Iran’s growing nuclear weapons capability.

America’s nuclear watchdog organization recently reported that Iran now has the nuclear material for four nuclear bombs—twice the amount they were thought to possess.

Can America recover?

In a recent article in The Guardian, British columnist Larry Elliot made the following profound statement, “The high levels of violent crime, epidemic of obesity, addiction to pornography and excessive use of energy may be telling us something: the US is in an advanced state of cultural decadence.”  Mr. Elliot’s article, entitled, “Decline and Fall of the American Empire,” suggests that America is experiencing classic symptoms of decline previously witnessed in the fall of both the Roman and British Empires.
