| Tomorrow's World

A Feast for the Birds

Birds are not just beautiful and awe-inspiring. God has used them throughout Scripture to teach human beings many lessons.

Britain can do “nothing” to prevent Argentina retaking Falkland Islands

Britain can do “nothing” to prevent Argentina retaking Falkland Islands read a recent headline in the British Telegraph. “The head of the Naval task force in the Falklands War has warned that defense cuts mean Britain can now do ‘precisely nothing’ to prevent Argentina retaking the islands…. a substantial task force of two aircraft carriers, a dozen frigates and destroyers, four submarines and a total of 100 surface ships along with 25,000 servicemen were to retake the Falklands in 1982.

Do-or-die Moment for Israel?

The Jerusalem Post recently ran a powerful Opinion/Editorial article highlighting the unrest throughout North Africa and the Middle East. It noted the instability and the bloody intents of regional leaders.

PTSD? What Is It? How Can We Help?

You may be familiar with the acronym "PTSD." It stands for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Is there anything we can do to help those who suffer from PTSD?

As a PTSD sufferer myself, I can empathize with others who share this disorder. Many people, however, have little or no idea of what to do when they encounter it. Here are some practical suggestions from my first-hand experience.

Rejoice... and Remember!

Today's Christians are "strangers and pilgrims" on planet Earth (Hebrews 11:13), living in anticipation of the soon-coming Kingdom of God wherein will be our true citizenship. Yet each of us is born in some nation, somewhere. How do we respond to our nation's holidays? And what if those holidays are more somber than joyous?
