| Tomorrow's World

Falklands issue heats up in South America.

Brazil, Uruguay and Paraguay (a land-locked nation) have backed Argentina’s recent ban of boats carrying the Falkland flag from docking in their ports.  And Argentinian President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner “claimed Britain was ready to use its military to steal natural resources ‘anywhere, anyhow.’”

Floods and earthquakes.

Typhoon Washi swept through the Philippines two weeks ago.  Flash flooding devastated a southern region and two cities, killing over 1,100 people.  According to one official, “Mortuaries have been unable to cope and authorities have started digging mass graves to bury victims” (Reuters, December 20, 2011).  Tens of thousands of displaced persons are crowded into evacuation facilities with sanitation problems and little water.  Over 330,000 people are now unable to return to their homes (AFP, December 24, 2011).

The universe is full of planets!

For thousands of years, mankind has known the universe is full of stars.  When the Hubble space-telescope was launched in 1990, scientists began to number the stars in our Milky Way galaxy alone at more than 100 billion.  But the assumption, based on Hubble data, was that there were very few planets outside our own solar system. Now, NASA’s new and more powerful Kepler space-telescope is sending back evidence of planets outside our solar system—thousands of them.

Following Christ At Any Stage of Life

In the hustle and bustle of daily life, few people take the time to consider where they are going or where they have been—until some personal upheaval jolts their sphere of activities and forces them to focus, however briefly, on the purpose of it all.

Many do not pay much attention to where they are on the road of life until they approach “middle age.” Some face middle age with calm and aplomb. Others, seeing where they are, become anxious—and may even panic.


Gulnaz is a young Afghan woman who was sentenced to twelve years in prison for reporting that she had been raped by her cousin’s husband.  Assaulted two years ago, she hid the crime for fear of reprisal, until signs of pregnancy forced her to report the attack.  Thankfully, after two years of imprisonment and mounting international pressure on the Afghan government, she was released from incarceration.  Now, tragically, she faces pressure to marry the man who previously attacked her! What can she do? What can be done to help her?
