| Tomorrow's World

Growing German power in Europe.

“The euro crisis will give Germany the empire it’s always dreamed of,” so wrote the Chief Political Correspondent Peter Oborne in his Telegraph-supported blog.  Oborne referred to the recent agreement by EU leaders to a German-led plan to continue “bailout” funding for Greece and Portugal—a decision that is likely to impact Spain, Italy and Ireland as well.   What this means is that Germany, with Europe’s strongest economy, will be footing most of the bill—with German tax money going to support Greece and Portugal, while these nations work to pay off their debt.

...And Then Do a Little Bit More

By her own admission, she was not what anyone expected. She promised that hers would not be a typical commencement address, because she was not a typical college student. After thanking the faculty and staff of Living University, she added, "I’m sure that none of them thought that their first candidate for a bachelor’s degree was going to be a 71 year old widow from Milwaukee."

Terror in a city of peace!

Oslo, Norway, the city of the Nobel Peace Prize, turned into a city of terror as an angry and deranged gunman set off explosives in the city center killing seven people.  Later that day, he visited an island summer camp where he shot and killed 76 more people, mostly teenagers.

While the Norwegian native gunman claims to be a member of an anti-Islamic group, the media has painted him as a “right-wing Christian extremist.”  His lawyer and many others suggest that Anders Behring Breivik is mentally insane—a plea he may make himself at his court hearing.  

Mitteleuropa: A Dream Coming True?

"Some strategic thinkers in Germany have long had dreams of dominating Europe in a controversial plan called Mitteleuropa, but in military implementation it has always failed. The word Mitteleuropa is used as both a place and an idea. Geographically, it is the Germans’ general area of central Europe, and conceptually, it was a plan first presented around 1915 for German domination of the region.

The Bears

The speaker at our business organization breakfast was a prominent attorney known for his service to the community. In his remarks, he commented on the pleasure he derived from working with the Boy Scouts of America program, especially the Cub Scouts.
