| Tomorrow's World

Gumption, Grit and Gratitude

Sometimes, colloquial expressions—those well-worn, time-honored phrases that have come into common use—are passed from generation to generation as a part of the culture. Hokey? Yes, they can be, but these pithy expressions can convey some wisdom if one actually listens and gives them some thought.

Religious confusion in Canada.

For three years, Muslim prayer services have taken place in a Toronto public school during school hours—catering to the student majority who are Muslim.  Because of the press generated by the situation, an examination of Ottawa schools recently revealed that about a dozen other public schools also allow Muslim prayer services during the school day.

China’s impact on Australia.

According to The Sydney Morning Herald, “China has detonated an economic bombshell on the eve of the Prime Minister’s drive to sell the carbon tax, warning [that] Australia has a ‘dual-speed and patchwork economy’ and relies too heavily on Beijing’s demand for minerals.”  These stern words were made by a Chinese diplomat speaking on behalf of the Chinese Embassy.

Can we bridge the generation gap?

The older generation sees the younger generation and complains, "You can’t find young people who are reliable and willing to work hard." The younger generation sees the older generation and complains, "Old people should retire. It’s a new day and a new way." Why is there tension between the generations?

Gadhafi threatens European attack.

In a rally in Tripoli last week, General Gadhafi addressed thousands of pro-government supporters by telephone.  In his remarks, Gadhafi stated that if NATO nations do not cease their air campaign against Libya, Libyans will start attacking Europe directly.
