| Tomorrow's World

Will the U.S. government default?

U.S. lawmakers and the President have been “haggling” for months over how to deal with the current debt ceiling crisis.  Many commentators have compared the stalled arguments to children who will not give in unless the other party completely adopts their view.  If a deal is not struck by August 2, the U.S. will be unable to pay about 45% of its bills for the month of August, which could result in the nation losing its AAA bond rating (MSN Money, July 25, 2011).

Atoms and the existence of God

Although the existence of atoms is considered an undisputed scientific truth today, it has not always been so. In the early history of man’s search for physical knowledge, some believed in atoms and some did not. But what can the current proof of the existence of atoms tell us about the existence of God?

New sexually-transmitted superbug.

One of the most common sexually transmitted diseases, gonorrhea, has once again morphed into a more powerful foe.  Reuters soberly reports, “The new strain of the sexually transmitted disease—called H041—cannot be killed by any currently recommended treatments for gonorrhea, leaving doctors with no other option than to try medicines so far untested against the disease.”  The new strain was identified in Japan—where most new gonorrhea strains are discovered.  One infectious disease expert predicts that it should become globally transmissible in the next 10-20 years.

Nations rise and fall

Nations, kingdoms and empires come and go. The new nation of South Sudan just came into existence in Africa on July 9, 2011. Will it be like so many other nations over time that have come and gone? Why do nations rise and fall? Is there a reason?

Hezbollah gains more power in Lebanon.

While there were the congratulatory speeches in Israel last week surrounding the fifth anniversary of Israel’s second Lebanon War, Lebanon received delivery of advanced ballistic missiles from Syria.  These missiles have the range to reach Israel, Jordan, and parts of Turkey. (DEBKA, July 20, 2011).
