| Tomorrow's World

Baron zu Guttenberg returns from exile.

EU Vice President Neelie Kroes invited Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg to Brussels “to advise on how to provide ongoing support to Internet users, bloggers and cyber-activists living under authoritarian regimes.”  He has been living in the U.S. for the last several months in a type of self-imposed exile, while working with a major political think tank.

The two faces of New Year celebrations

The winter tide festivities continue on, with people moving almost mindlessly through them—looking neither left nor right, only onward to the end of them, full of parties, food, drink and maxed-out credit cards.

In just a few more days it will be the New Year and the glut of holiday celebrations will cease and we all can get back to normal—at least until Valentine's Day, Easter, Mardi Gras, etc.

Why is love diminishing?

The Dover Air Force Base mortuary near Dover, Delaware, handles the bodies of military personnel killed in overseas operations.  A recent investigation revealed that the Air Force dumped partially cremated remains of 274 personnel into a nearby landfill.  This apparently happened even after families had asked the Air Force to handle their dead loved ones with respect.

North Korea and new leadership.

Last week, North Korea’s 19-year supreme leader, Kim Jong Il, died of an apparent heart attack.  This militarized nation, unable to sufficiently feed its people, will now be ruled by Kim Jong Il’s appointed successor, his third son Kim Jong Un (age 27).

North Korea is known for its extended mourning rituals, so it is not yet known when Kim Jong Un will officially take power.  Many expect Kim Jung Un’s uncle and aunt to act as regents for a couple of years as he prepares to take control (Associated Press, December 21, 2011; Reuters, December 21, 2011).  

The Vatican wants Jerusalem sites.

For 450 years, the Vatican has fought to regain control over holy sites in Jerusalem—ever since they were taken from Franciscan monks by the Ottomans about 1551 AD.
