| Tomorrow's World

Germany’s Rising Star.

A recent Wall Street Journal article observed, “Germany is sitting on top of the world. But the rest of the world thinks it’s getting too comfortable up there… What is Germany’s place in the world?” John Kornblum, former U.S. ambassador to Berlin recently asked the question: “Germany is rising in a Europe that’s coming apart at the seams… How is this country—the only major economy in Europe that can keep up with globalization—going to fit into this Europe?”

Judas' Death and Biblical Inerrancy

Critics sometimes point to supposed "Bible contradictions" to assert that Christianity is based on a flawed and untrustworthy canon, and that Scripture is not inspired. One such "contradiction" involves the accounts of Judas’ death in Matthew 27:5 and Acts 1:18. Do these passages actually contradict each other? Is the Bible really trustworthy in all points?

The oceans in trouble.

According to scientists at the International Programme on the State of the Ocean (IPSO), “The health of the oceans is deteriorating far more rapidly than expected… they predict that marine life could be on the brink of mass extinction” (The Times, June 21, 2011).   While scientists have been witnessing drop-offs in species population sizes for years, current numbers are far more extensive than originally understood.

Islam vs. the West: Final Conflict Ahead?

Militant Islam continues to strengthen its hold across the Middle East. At the same time, from Oklahoma to England, Western governments are moving to restrict the use of Islamic sharia law in schools, courts and other public institutions (Guardian.co.uk, June 8, 2011). Can Islam find a peaceful place of co-existence with Western culture? Or will its spread lead to increasing tensions and ultimately a final violent conflict against the Western nations?

Floods and wildfires.

The United States is experiencing disasters of biblical “extremes.”  Vast areas of the country are suffering drought, flooding, or wildfires.
