| Tomorrow's World

The Messiah, Misunderstood

Once, during a trip to the United Kingdom, I had the opportunity to visit the National Gallery in London. This imposing complex of great buildings houses some of the finest examples of art from the Renaissance and earlier periods, along with works of art from more recent times. As I walked through the great galleries and observed the ancient paintings, large and small, I was struck by the recurring theme of most of the works, especially from the Middle Ages up through the 19th century.

Count Your Blessings

Some of my most pleasant memories come from spending Thanksgiving with my family. But the holiday also makes me think about times when I have not been particularly thankful. God has blessed me with many wonderful experiences and opportunities, even when I least expected (or acknowledged) them.

Catholics come home.

For some time, Catholics Come Home advertisements have aired in select media markets around the U.S.  An ad campaign in Phoenix, Arizona in 2008 resulted in more than 3,000 people returning to the Catholic church, according to a spokesperson from the Diocese of Phoenix.  Now, the church is poised to blanket the U.S. with 400 ads in more than 10,000 cities across the country, between December 16 and January 8.  The hope is that the $3 million campaign will motivate about a million Catholics to return to the church.

The Lunch Bucket Theory

Many years ago, I experienced for myself a phenomenon that is an all-too-common problem in workplace relations between labor and management. I owned a small company, and decided that I would like to start profit-sharing with my employees as much as would be feasible. So, I rounded up an executive table and some chairs and convened an employee meeting.

The Lunch Bucket Theory

Many years ago, I experienced for myself a phenomenon that is an all-too-common problem in workplace relations between labor and management. I owned a small company, and decided that I would like to start profit-sharing with my employees as much as would be feasible. So, I rounded up an executive table and some chairs, and convened an employee meeting.
