| Tomorrow's World

Resurgent Germany: A Fourth Reich?

In 2007, the cover article of Tomorrow’s World magazine asked the question Resurgent Germany: A Fourth Reich? (see September-October issue).  Last week, London’s Daily Mail ran an article entitled, “Rise of the Fourth Reich, how Germany is using the financial crisis to conquer Europe.”

Dutch military joins “Gay Pride” parade for first time.

Three weeks ago, “A balloon-festooned barge bearing the standards of the service branches sponsored by the Defense Ministry sailed among about 80 other floats, with music blaring from most of them and dancers dressed in flamboyant costumes—or very little….”   The parade in Amsterdam “capped a weeklong festival of around 300 parties and events.  It included the popular ‘Drag Queen Olympics’….”

Violence and corruption in the Philippines.

“A car bomb in the southern Philippines killed one person and wounded seven Monday in an attack targeting a governor who took office after many of his relatives were slain in the country’s worst political massacre in 2009.”  Among the suspects in the 2009 massacre are a “powerful family patriarch and former governor, Andal Ampatuan Sr., and a number of his sons…,” and almost 200 others!

Seeds of Violence

Statistics abound that demonstrate an increase in violent behavior among school age children. In recent years we have heard of many tragic cases of high school kids who have brought a gun to school and murdered their own classmates and teachers. Everyone remembers the Columbine tragedy. Many in society though believe that this is only a rare example of a very few emotionally disturbed young people. Can we dismiss this type of violence as simply an aberration, or are there seeds of violence being sown in our society today that will surface even more in the future?

Arab states in key UN positions in September.

In a potentially significant sequence of events, “Arab states will be chairing the United Nations Security Council and General Assembly in September as the Palestinian Authority makes its statehood bid.  Lebanon is slated to preside over the Security Council in September while Qatar will head the General Assembly.”
