| Tomorrow's World

A Better World Is Coming

“Wanted: Someone to walk with me”. This want ad appeared in a Ohio newspaper a few years ago. When I read it, I assumed it was a joke, and I made an inquiry. What I found was an old person wanting someone to take him for a walk—not because he needed physical help, but because he was afraid.

Europe: Death Throes or Birth Pangs?

Are the “Dark Ages” creeping up on Europe once again? The news and opinion pages are full of dire headlines. Some are taking the demise of a unified Europe as an impending inevitability. But is that really what comes next? Or is there more to the story?

Pope rallies world youth.

Last month, hundreds of thousands of Roman Catholic youth from around the globe met in Madrid for World Youth Day (WYD) and to hear Pope Benedict XVI speak.  WYD is designed to reach Roman Catholic youth and bring “meaning” to their beliefs.  “The general consensus from those who have done research on them [WYD youth] is that World Youth Days tend to combine young people’s taste for stars and big events with a spiritual dimension.”

The Importance of Education

Every year during Fall, right after the academic school year begins, the United States observes “National Adult Education and Family Literacy Week.” What does the Bible reveal about the importance of education, both today and in the coming Kingdom of God?

Oklahoma’s cattle industry Is drying up.

Much of Oklahoma has had no significant rainfall in more than a year, resulting in zero crop growth.  As a consequence, there is virtually no local food for cattle and it must be imported at great cost.  Ranchers are selling entire herds that have taken a decade or more to build because they have no other choice.
