| Tomorrow's World

Feast or Famine?

The world's grain supply is shrinking.  There used to be a three-month reserve but this has dropped to a critical eight week supply.  The price of rice, which is the staple grain for most Asians and many Africans, has been climbing higher, leaving millions of people facing the specter of famine.

Judge not?

Through the effective and powerful means of the media, the homosexual agenda—which first took root decades ago—has in the last decade propelled itself forward with juggernaut intensity! Homosexual activists are not emphasizing subtle tactics and persuasive rhetoric; in recent years they have been pushing to make their beliefs mainstream societal thinking.

Little Things

“Little Things Mean a Lot” was a very popular hit song that made it to the number one spot on the charts in the USA and the UK in 1954. Subsequently, many other recording artists have released their versions of this song. While it has nice lyrics and a lovely tune, the title really says it all. In life, we often look for the big events or the very significant occurrences that make a big splash or great impact. And yet, it is the little things that we do daily that cement and enhance relationships.

Palestinian statehood?

Actions in the UN last week forced discussions about a future Palestine.  Since Palestinian president Abbas made his request, five EU nations, including France, have pushed to “upgrade” Palestinian territories to “full-membership” in the UN.   Three other EU nations have joined the UK and U.S.

End-time scoffers.

Professor Richard Dawkins is well known for his philosophical conjecture that life came into existence by chance evolutionary processes.  As a scientist, Dr. Dawkins prefers to lecture on philosophy, ridiculing people for their “irrational” belief in God.  He usually “… declines to talk in San Francisco and New York; these cities are too gloriously godless, as far as he is concerned.  ‘As an atheistic lecturer, you are rather wasting your time,’ he says.  He prefers the Bible Belt, where controversy is raw.”
