| Tomorrow's World

A Pale Horse

There is an old proverb that “You don’t miss the water until the well goes dry.” We are often taken by surprise by some occurrence, event or development that should have been obvious, but which was somehow overlooked or simply not acknowledged until it befalls us.

Another super bug?

“The fungus, Candida albicans, is widespread among humans.  It is relatively harmless to healthy people but can be fatal to hospital patients with weak immune systems.”  It causes 25% of hospital blood infections and is an opportunistic infection that moves from the gut to the blood stream when body defenses are low.  Like MRSA and C. difficil (“C. dif”), this fungus has the ability to develop resistance to treatment.  At the recent Society for General Microbiology conference, Dr. Carol Munro of Aberdeen University acknowledged, “C.

Are You Being Taught a False Gospel?

The true Gospel is the most vital message this world has ever received. It is the message Jesus and the Apostles preached. It is the message the faithful Church of God proclaims today. It is also a message that is often misunderstood and even shamefully attacked!

A war in Europe in 10 years?

Poland now holds the EU’s rotating presidency and its finance minister, Jacek Rostowski, made this prediction two weeks ago.  On September 14, Mr. Rostowski spoke to MEPs (members of parliament) in Strasbourg.  In his speech, he “warned of the need to act rapidly to prevent grave danger for the EU.”  This comment followed growing speculation that Greece will default on its EU loans.

A Daughter’s Memory

Some people make their impressions on you in unexpected ways. Their demeanor, their manner of speech, the troubles they have endured, their attitude or their approach to life can change your perspective or perception, and help you see life from a different point of view.
