Magazine Articles | Tomorrow's World

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March-April 2011

Questions and Answers

Question: Many people believe that a human being’s soul or spirit can separate from the body and travel to far-distant places beyond the body’s reach. This is not just a "New Age" or "Eastern religion" idea; even some who call...

Letter to the Editor

I went to your presentation at Chester (United Kingdom) on Saturday, and I must say how much I enjoyed it. This was a first time for me, and I must say I found it very...

January-February 2011

Cover Story

Poets once said, "The sun never sets on the British Empire." Billions considered the United States a beacon of freedom and prosperity. But times are changing. Millennia ago, Bible prophecy warned of a sobering change ahead for the Western nations...

Feature Story

Why were you born? What will happen when you die? And what are you doing in-between to make the most of the life God has given you? Few people understand how their lives fit into God's plan—but you can know!

Article 1

More than 300,000 people died when a devastating earthquake shook Haiti on January 12, 2010. A year later, survivors are still struggling to rebuild their lives in the midst of new challenges. What does the future hold for them?

Article 2

Do you imagine spending eternity perched on a cloud, playing a harp? Or do you wonder whether God has something much more exciting planned for you? Your Bible reveals a glorious future awaiting His faithful saints!

Article 3

Miracles of deliverance can, and do—and must—happen!

London Calling

The United Kingdom, mired in a deep recession and overwhelmed by its debts, is in deep trouble. It all began with a collapse in the housing market back in 2007 due to speculative excesses. Since then, many people have lost their homes and many...

Watch and Warn

Few understand that God gave the prophet Amos warnings not only for ancient Israel and Judah, but also specifically for "modern Jacob" (their combined descendants) in our present day.


Many people assume all sorts of falsehoods that are, in fact, not true! Such assumptions can lead to extremely serious mistakes in judgment—and can ruin our lives physically, mentally and spiritually if we are not careful!
