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May-June 2011

Questions and Answers

Question: In the book of Job, we read, “But there is a spirit in man, and the breath of the Almighty gives him understanding” (Job 32:8). Later in the chapter, Job says, “the spirit within me compels me” (v.18). Do these Old...

Letter to the Editor

I read your booklet, Revelation: The Mystery Unveiled! Out of all the booklets I have read on Revelation, yours is the best I have come across. Very well...

March-April 2011

Cover Story

As more and more nations put satellites into orbit, and military planners look to the "weaponizing" of outer space, what does this mean for the safety of our planet? Your Bible foretells of a great war in space. Will you be ready for it?

Feature Story

Will Jesus Christ return tonight? Will He return in a thousand years? For nearly 2,000 years, people have wondered when Jesus will return. Some cynics say He will never return. What does your Bible say? You need to know!

Article 1

In March 1861, 150 years ago, U.S. President Abraham Lincoln took the oath of office, to lead his nation at a time of terrible division and violence. What lessons can we learn from Lincoln's character— and about our own Christian responsibility...

Article 2

On April 24 this year, billions of people will celebrate Easter. About a week earlier, after sunset on Sunday, April 17, many Christians will gather to observe the biblical Passover. Does it matter which festivals you observe? The answer may...

Tomorrow’s Youth

Most peer pressure bombards its victims with messages telling them that they are inadequate and their life is incomplete, unless they go along with the crowd—even though the crowd does not often have the individual's best interest at heart. To...

London Calling

Among the European royal families there are several variations on the principle, but in England the rules are quite straightforward and dictate that Prince Charles is next in line to be king—despite what the public or the press may say. Only if...


If there is a real God—and there is—what would He think about a society that condones such behavior and even includes it as a part of a college education?

Prophecy Comes Alive

In recent years, Germany has developed the strongest economy in Europe and the fourth largest economy in the world.
