Magazine Articles | Tomorrow's World

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July-August 2011

Cover Story

The United States is facing a danger more devastating than the most powerful nuclear weapon. If the "debt bomb" explodes, it will ravage the economy not only of the U.S. but of the whole world. Are you prepared for what is coming?

Feature Story

For most people who call themselves "Christians," going to a worship service most Sundays is the single act that defines their religious commitment. True Christianity, however, is a transformative way of life that few today understand!

Article 1

Can we "earn" salvation by obedience to God? What does God's grace mean for Christians? Is it a "free pass" for when we sin, or is it a powerful tool to help us practice the Way Jesus Christ taught His followers? You need to know!

Article 2

We all fail, from time to time. But how do we react when failure comes? Do we become discouraged, or do we pick ourselves up and try again? Your Bible gives valuable insights into using failure as a springboard to success!

Article 3

Osama bin Laden—reported dead last May after a United States Navy SEAL team raided his headquarters in Abbottabad, Pakistan—lived by the sword, and he died by the sword (cf. Matthew 26:52). Upon learning of his death, many in the U.S. expressed...

Tomorrow’s Youth

It was the evening of February 13, 2011, and fans of teen sensation Justin Bieber were shocked.  At the 2011 "Grammy Awards"—the annual honors given to artists by the American National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences—many had expected...

London Calling

Many countries have given their people identifying names. New Zealanders call themselves "Kiwis" while the Australians like to be called "Aussies." And the British? Well they have a stoic name for themselves. They call themselves, "Brits." It...


Our local newspaper, the Charlotte Observer, recently ran an article describing "drive-through" prayers (May 6, 2011). The ministers and church leaders involved said that they were "copying fast food restaurants and drive-through banks...

Prophecy Comes Alive

Few today understand why Great Britain became the world's first superpower and gained an empire that spanned the globe, or why America rose to dominate the world stage. Fewer still grasp what the future holds for these Anglo-Saxon...

Questions and Answers

Question: Christians are supposed to teach Jesus Christ and Him crucified, and that He rose from the dead. Why, then, does your magazine so often quote the books of the Old Testament?
