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July-August 2011

Letter to the Editor

I am rarely up at 5:00 a.m., but two weeks ago I watched your show for the first time. I just wanted to say how truly interesting it was. All I could think of was how "...

May-June 2011

Cover Story

Is marriage obsolete? Is it even relevant in our modern day? Why do people still come together in marriage, despite so many attacks on this once-cherished institution? The Bible gives powerful insights that can deepen your appreciation of...

Feature Story

What should the Church be doing? Is it enough to believe the right things, or is there something true Christians should be doing as a result of their faith? Amid so much religious confusion, your Bible has the answer!

Article 1

Is your stress turning into distress? Do you wonder how you can continue to cope with the pressures of daily life and the frantic pace of the world around you? You may want to consider seven powerful biblical strategies for overcoming stress.

Article 2

Frustration, humiliation­—then desperation. Mohamed Bouazizi was trying to support his family as a street vendor when Tunisian police confiscated his vegetable cart and produce. They claimed he lacked a permit. When Bouazizi complained, he...

Article 3

It was not the front page headline of that day's Wall Street Journal, but its message deserves the attention of all Americans who currently enjoy their way of life.  In Kelly Evans' small column deep within that paper on February 17, 2011, the...

London Calling

The most influential book ever written in English marks its 400th anniversary this year. In 1611, a monumental project came to completion that had engaged more than 50 of England's finest scholars for seven years—an English-language Bible...

Watch and Warn

More than 6.5 million children die from malnutrition and hunger-related diseases each year. About 925 million humans suffer malnourishment (, Fact Sheet: Hunger, 2011). In February 2011, food costs increased "the most in two and a half...


Millions of people say they are searching for correct "standards" or "values." Some are trying out various "new age" belief systems, or different ideas and theories from pop-psychology. The pollsters tell us that many others are simply "picking...

Prophecy Comes Alive

Most professing Christian churches today believe they are following the instructions of Jesus to "go into all the world and preach the gospel" (Mark 16:15). Many sincere efforts have been made to preach a nice-sounding message that God loves...
