Magazine Articles | Tomorrow's World

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January-February 2011

Prophecy Comes Alive

Vital lessons are being ignored and forgotten in our modern (and supposedly enlightened) world! Today, we live in an age where belief in God is becoming a subject of ridicule.

Questions and Answers

Question: In Revelation 18:4, a voice from heaven commands, "Come out of her, my people, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues." In 2 Corinthians 6:17, we are told, "Come out from among them and be...

Letter to the Editor

I read your booklet, Restoring Apostolic Christianity. It touched me, because for several years I have prayed that God put in willing minds and hearts how He...

November-December 2010

Cover Story

Does "might make right"? Does the majority rule? Are "experts" the ones we should turn to for answers? We live in a world that is massively confused about authority. Is there an end to this confusion? You need to know!

Feature Story

Every Christmas season, tidings of "Peace on Earth" are shared by hopeful believers. Yet the legacy of Christmas seems never to deliver on the hope. Will there ever be peace on Earth? God's Holy Days reveal the wonderful answer!

Article 1

Forces of secularism are contending against voices of traditional religion, as Europe's economic and political stability are challenged by increasing numbers of Muslim immigrants. What does the threat of Islam portend for Europe's future?

Article 2

"There have always been floods and droughts and earthquakes," skeptics may say. But your Bible reveals signs to watch for that will show true Christians that the return of Jesus Christ is near. Can you recognize those signs?

Article 3

Are you holding on to God's Truth in your life?

Tomorrow’s Youth

Some may dismiss bullying as "a normal part of growing up" that helps kids negotiate the complexities of social interactions. However, while good-natured teasing is a part of many healthy relationships, bullying is far different and more serious...

London Calling

As in the doctrine of the Assumption, Roman Catholic believers in many nations honour Mary to a degree that makes most Protestants uncomfortable. Yet, unique among all the nations, only the Roman Catholics of England have the concept that their...
