Magazine Articles | Tomorrow's World

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September-October 2010

Watch and Warn

France, Britain and the U.S. are brother nations—much more literally than most people understand! But just how is their history connected? What is ahead for them?


Truly, all over the world, America's power and prestige are being "broken." Millions of Americans are feeling a sense that America's government is "out of control"—that something truly awful is happening—that the nation will never be the same...

Prophecy Comes Alive

John described an opulently dressed woman riding on a scarlet beast. This woman conducts intimate relations with rulers of the world, and has influenced the world with her teachings. But just who is the mysterious, opulently dressed woman?

Questions and Answers

Question: What was the meaning of Jesus’ baptism? In Matthew 3:16, we read that when John baptized Jesus, the Holy Spirit descended "like a dove" and rested on Him. Is this when the human Jesus Christ first received the...

Letter to the Editor

July-August 2010

Cover Story

God has given the American and British-descended nations great blessings over the years. But now, as those blessings are dwindling, what can be done? The good news is that God shows His people how to live by His Way, and to have tremendous...

Feature Story

Five key events are coming together that will change our world forever. Though most "prophecy teachers" have no idea, God's people can know with certainty, from Scripture, what is about to happen that will soon usher in Jesus Christ's return as...

Article 1

As economic crisis batters the European Union, one nation stands poised to take a greater leadership role than ever before. Germany is now positioning itself as the "savior" of a troubled continent. What does Bible prophecy say about all this?...

Article 2

Most of us have our own idea about Jesus, formed from what other people have taught us. But have you ever really looked at what the Bible says about Jesus Christ? What was He doing when He was on planet Earth—and what is He doing now for you, and...

Article 3

What vital family lesson can we learn from "man's best friend"?
