Magazine Articles | Tomorrow's World

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November-December 2010


In this swift-moving, godless society, each one of us had better take the time to decide what we really believe in—what we are willing to "fight" for and, if need be, die for.

Prophecy Comes Alive

Over the last several decades, scientists who monitor the state of the world's oceans have documented a number of disturbing trends that continue to worsen.

Questions and Answers

Question: "Where do you get the idea that mankind has been appointed 6,000 years of self-rule, to be followed by a 1,000-year reign of Jesus Christ?"

Letter to the Editor

When I am finished reading the Tomorrow's World magazines, I take them to the doctor's office and put them on the table so others can learn the truth about what...

September-October 2010

Cover Story

Millions of deceived people dabble in the occult for entertainment, or even for personal gain. But how many people can recognize Satan's shocking influence on their workplace, community or even their church?

Feature Story

"I love God, so I don't fear Him," some will wrongly say. Your Bible shows that even Jesus Christ expressed "godly fear"—which is not some kind of cringing terror as some people mistakenly assume. Godly fear can bring peace and happiness to your...

Article 1

What is happening when you think? Is your mind just the result of electrochemical activity? Or is there something more to your consciousness—something beyond physical measurement?

Article 2

Does it seem that our world is becoming more and more rude with each passing year? Are bullies rewarded while the meek suffer in silence? Is civility an outmoded value, or is it something that can change our world for the better?

Article 3

A catastrophic oil spill brings thoughts of the end-times.

London Calling

The very fabric and cohesion of British society is failing, its former values and standards have been eroded, its belief in God and the way of life He espouses (however imperfectly that was applied) progressively abandoned. The rot has set in,...
