Magazine Articles | Tomorrow's World

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May-June 2010

Article 2

Does baptism matter? Have you been sprinkled, splashed, poured on or immersed? Can you have the Holy Spirit without water baptism? Is baptism valid without true repentance? People have all sorts of different ideas about baptism, but what does...

Article 3

How are you spending this most precious resource?

London Calling

Is it even remotely possible that the once-strong U.S. could collapse under the weight of inexorably burgeoning debts?

Watch and Warn

As we approach the end of the age, many self-appointed ministers, prophets and apostles are making wild and competing assertions. Claims range from announcing that they are one of the end-time "Two Witnesses" to predicting the date for Christ's...


You must understand that—if you are willing to accept the plain words of the Bible—people are not truly "Christian" just because they profess the "name" of Jesus Christ. Most of the mainstream religions have done just that!

Questions and Answers

Question: I have read that God will not hear sinners’ prayers. Since all have sinned and come short of God’s glory, how is it possible for God to hear anyone’s prayers?

Letter to the Editor

March-April 2010

Cover Story

The "mainstream" Protestant denominations are losing members by the millions. Other Protestant groups are adopting non-Christian doctrines and practices that would have been unheard of a few decades ago. Why is this happening—and what does it...

Feature Story

For years, mainstream media have taken "human-induced global warming" for granted. Now, as more and more doubts are being raised, can a non-scientist hope to discern the truth behind the controversy? With the help of Scripture, you can understand...

Article 1

A time is soon coming when our troubled planet will be at peace, under the millennial rule of Jesus Christ in the Kingdom of God. Are you despairing over the sad condition of today's world? You can take heart in knowing God's wonderful plan for...
