Magazine Articles | Tomorrow's World

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January-February 2010

Article 2

Jesus Christ's words to seven groups of first-century Christians are not just ancient history. They reveal the spiritual condition of God's Church throughout history, and explain how you can resist the pull of a lukewarm era!

Article 3

Jesus Christ, through whom God the Father created the Earth, will at His return bring peace and prosperity to planet Earth as never before! This is humanity's true hope, of a time when the desert will bloom as the rose (Isaiah 35:2), the animals...

London Calling

The previous European Community, with its implication of separate countries grouped together, has now ceased to exist and is replaced by the new European Union. This now has primacy of law over member states and inherits the legislative powers...

Watch and Warn

Before Christ's return, Babylon the Great will nearly obliterate the U.S. and British-descended nations during the Great Tribulation—a traumatic time for the entire world (Matthew 24:21), for God's Church, and especially for the physical nations...


"Political correctness" is like a cancer. It spreads slowly and almost undetectably through the body until death is assured.

Prophecy Comes Alive

In recent decades, Roman Catholic popes and Eastern Orthodox patriarchs have inched toward healing the Great Schism, meeting and praying together and contemplating what would have been previously unthinkable!

Questions and Answers

Question: When I began to learn about God from the Tomorrow’s World program, the magazine and the booklets you sent me, I thought my family, friends and co-workers would be as excited as I was about discovering the truths I have...

Letter to the Editor

In receipt of the March-April issue of Tomorrow's World, I read about the sign of Jonah, and it was amazing to learn more about the three days and three nights....

November-December 2009

Cover Story

If you have not already been exposed to the widely publicized "prophecies" regarding 2012, you soon will be. But can you find the truth in the midst of the media circus?

Feature Story

With one-fifth of our planet's population, China seems to be poised to dominate the 21st century. Bible prophecy sheds a vital—and perhaps surprising—light on the truth of the matter.
