Magazine Articles | Tomorrow's World

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November-December 2011

Article 1

Mankind has been searching for the ideal form of government for thousands of years. Will that ideal government ever be found? If so, what will it be? Your Bible reveals the encouraging and hope-filled answer!

Article 2

Two hundred years ago, the American Midwest was shaken by the strongest earthquake human beings had ever felt in that region. Is another quake overdue? What lessons can we learn?

Article 3

When you look at yourself, what do you see?

Tomorrow’s Youth

Nearly all successful people have had the experience of coming to a turning point in their lives. Faced with a difficult decision, and at serious risk of failure, they must make a choice. Will they give up and fail, letting circumstances get the...

London Calling

The charred and blackened timbers of buildings have been removed, but the scars will remain in the minds of some Londoners for a long time to come. For four nights last August, thousands of rioters ran amok through the streets of London. Copycat...


Is this crazy stuff? Why would I ask a question like this?

Prophecy Comes Alive

The burgeoning financial crisis spreading through the nations of the European Union is generating increasing calls for the creation of a real federal government for Europe—a United States of Europe! For many in the...

Questions and Answers

Question: Most professing Christians believe that the saved will go to heaven at death. But they have little or no idea about what they will do in heaven. What does the Bible teach is the reward of the saved?


Letter to the Editor

Thank you for your hard work. You have enlightened me and have lifted my confidence. When I see all that is happening in the world, I am not alarmed, neither am I...

September-October 2011

Cover Story

Is Halloween just an occasion for harmless fun? Are books and movies about vampires, ghosts, witches and demons just another form of entertainment? Might you be allowing the wrong influences to shape your life?
