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January-February 2012

Article 2

The dream of an ancient Babylonian king sheds light on end-time Bible prophecies coming together right now in Europe and the Middle East!

Article 3

In his famous book, Man's Search for Meaning, Dr. Viktor Frankl, a survivor of Nazi concentration camps, wrote of his horrific experiences during World War II. Frankl, a psychiatrist by profession, approached his imprisonment with a...

London Calling

As 2012 gets under way, the European Union is facing unprecedented uncertainty and upheaval. The governments and peoples of Europe have become mired in social, political and economic distress that is throwing the future of the EU into crisis....

Watch and Warn

Planned austerity measures and "anger at Wall Street elite" have triggered protests throughout Europe and the United States. In America, the "Occupy Wall Street" movement quickly grew into rage against what is seen as corrupt capitalism, called...


It is all around you. The noise, the hubbub and the scores of distractions that prevent most people from thinking deeply about the purpose for their lives. Very few people on this earth—including professing Christians—even...

Prophecy Comes Alive

The Twilight of the Gods—heralded as Götterdämmerung in the opera by composer Richard Wagner—is a medieval story from pagan Norse mythology. It describes a series of natural disasters and a great battle that results in...

Questions and Answers

Question: Scripture describes that Jesus Christ was scourged by Pontius Pilate before His crucifixion (Matthew 27:26; Mark 15:15; John 19:1). Was there any special meaning behind this scourging?

Letter to the Editor

I just wanted to thank you for helping me put my life in perspective through your magazines and helpful booklets. Instead of being concerned about “my” purpose, you have...

November-December 2011

Cover Story

In a world of so much suffering, is there happiness ahead? Do you know why you were born? Does your life have any meaning? There is good news! Your Bible reveals an amazing eternity ahead for those who turn to God!

Feature Story

What does Christmas mean to you? Does observing Christmas bring you closer to God? Or are "Christmas" traditions obscuring the wonderful truth of Jesus Christ's real message?
