Magazine Articles | Tomorrow's World

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July-August 2012

Prophecy Comes Alive

Bible prophecy lists numerous signs that will precede Jesus Christ’s second coming, but the Apostle Paul specifically notes two major events that will occur just before Christ returns. He writes, “that Day will not come...

The Works of His Hands

The late Carl Sagan, renowned astronomer and cosmologist, famously began his acclaimed book Cosmos with a sweeping statement: “The Cosmos is all that is or ever was or ever will be.” And the grandeur we see as we point our telescopes...

Questions and Answers

Question: Your magazine often describes the Ten Commandments and other Old Testament teachings as still applicable to Christians today. So, are Christians supposed to follow the command in the Law of Moses to wear "fringes" or "...

Letter to the Editor

May-June 2012

Cover Story

In a world of ever-increasing technology, have we lost sight of the importance of spending time face-to-face with others?

Feature Story

The prophesied return of Jesus Christ is not some abstract theory or myth. Your Bible shows that when Christ returns to the earth, He will have a job to do.

Article 1

Does it matter whether you gather with other Christians to worship on the first day of the week or the seventh? What can we learn from Jesus' own example?

Article 2

Have you found the wisdom that comes with patience?

Tomorrow’s Youth

Researchers in recent years have observed that young people are spending large amounts of their time using electronic media—to a degree unprecedented in prior generations. Some estimates put young people’s daily use of electronic media in the 7–8...

London Calling

Throughout 2012, the United Kingdom is celebrating the Diamond Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II. This much-loved monarch has now been 60 years on the throne, during which time the world around her has changed immeasurably. This celebration thus...
