Magazine Articles | Tomorrow's World

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November-December 2012

Feature Story

The spirit world is real, and there is a very evil side of it. God warns that Satan is the god of this current age. How can you resist the temptations of Satan and his demons?

Article 1

God wants human beings to learn the way to real success—physically and spiritually. Let your Bible show you the path to a more abundant and fulfilled life!

Article 2

How can you prepare for trouble without giving in to fear?

Tomorrow’s Youth

How do you want to be remembered? What do you want your reputation to be? As infants, human beings think only of their own wants and needs. But as we move into the teen years and beyond, we become more concerned with what others think of us—and...

London Calling

The year 2012 has been a remarkable year for Great Britain. Many events have taken place that have turned the year into a veritable cavalcade of special moments. The Shakespeare World Festival at Stratford-upon-Avon, for example, was followed by...


Greetings, friends! Our Editor in Chief, Dr. Roderick C. Meredith, has asked me to start writing these “Personal” messages a couple of times each year, so he can devote more time to other pressing projects. At age 82, Dr. Meredith remains...

Prophecy Comes Alive

What is happening to the United States and Great Britain? These two nations, along with their Anglo-Saxon cousins, have dominated the world for the last 200–400 years. Yet, today, these nations are degenerating morally, divided politically,...

Oh Canada!

When Americans think of Canada, visions of expanses of wilderness or holiday locations may come to mind. Few, however, on either side of the border, realize the size and power of the economic relation between the United States and its northern...

The Works of His Hands

If you listen to the right people—or, perhaps more accurately, the wrong people—you may have heard that in December of this year mankind will either experience the end of the world or the dawn of a new age.

Questions and Answers

Question: In Revelation 22:16, Jesus Christ describes Himself as "the Bright and Morning Star." In Isaiah 14:12 we read of a "Lucifer" (Latin for "morning star," from the Hebrew helel). Is the Bible in some way equating Christ...
