Magazine Articles | Tomorrow's World

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January-February 2013

Feature Story

Your Bible warns of a time, at the end of this present age, when almost the whole world will be united in opposition to God Himself! What will you do when that time comes?

Article 1

Are you facing problems you cannot seem to overcome? Do you feel alone in your struggles? Do not neglect the power of prayer to change your life for the better!

Article 2

Is it realistic to hope for a world of peace, freedom and prosperity?

London Calling

Affectionately known as “Auntie” and “The Beeb,” the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) has for decades enjoyed an enviable worldwide reputation for integrity. Over the years the BBC has become a byword for excellence—a...

Watch and Warn

The Bible warns, “In the last days, perilous times will come.” Today, we see perils of every sort increasing all around the world. But we also see a lie. To believe the lie is to deny the clear warnings of Scripture and...


Right after Hurricane Sandy hit New York and New Jersey, New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg spoke out, saying that “climate change” was going to become the “new normal.” Other politicians echoed his comments, making the assumption that...

Prophecy Comes Alive

News reports from around the world proclaim that record heat waves, major droughts, floods and on-going violence have seriously reduced harvests in normally productive regions of the United States, Australia, South Africa and Russia. As a result...

Questions and Answers

Question: Some sources, like Wikipedia, claim there are no links between the Catholic Saint Valentine and Roman fertility practices such as the Lupercalia. Is Valentine's Day a holiday Christians should keep, based on this...

Letter to the Editor

I have really been blessed by the prophetic messages I was privileged to read in the Tomorrow’s World magazines. God bless you!

T. A...

November-December 2012

Cover Story

The entertainment industry has filled people's minds with many false ideas about the end of the world. Will you recognize—and be ready for—Jesus Christ when He returns?
