Magazine Articles | Tomorrow's World

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July-August 2013


Warm greetings to all our Tomorrow’s World subscribers! Our Editor in Chief, Dr. Roderick C. Meredith, asked me to write this “Personal” message, while he works on other writing projects and prepares for some upcoming travel. Despite...

Prophecy Comes Alive

Many Bible prophecies describe specific signs that will arise on the world scene as we approach the end of the age—the period of time just before Jesus Christ returns to this earth to establish the Kingdom of God. Jesus told His disciples to...

The Works of His Hands

Many people remember math as a subject they hated in high school. Maybe they found it difficult or dull. Maybe they just thought it was not relevant to their lives. Mathematicians, however, often find math not only beautiful, but also profoundly...

Questions and Answers

Do you know where to find Jesus Christ in the Old Testament?

Letter to the Editor

I truly enjoy your magazines, booklets, television program and Web site. My husband and I are in our 70s, and we know the seventh-day Sabbath is the true day of worship,...

May-June 2013

Cover Story

Many are asking, "Is the new Pope really the successor of the Apostle Peter?" Will he be the last? What do history and Scripture tell us?

Feature Story

Can you imagine a world with no war, poverty, crime or corruption? That world is coming sooner than you may think!

Article 1

If you are planning for marriage, are you thoroughly prepared? If your are already married, how are you doing with your commitment?

Article 2

When we worship God, does He care how—and with what symbols—we honor Him?

Tomorrow’s Youth

Do you ever wonder if you are “missing out”? You know what I mean. You have grown up with parents who would not let you go out and party. They have always insisted on knowing where you were, and are not “okay” with you coming in at all hours of...
