Magazine Articles | Tomorrow's World

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September-October 2013

Prophecy Comes Alive

Seven centuries before Christ, the prophet Daniel interpreted King Nebuchadnezzar’s dream about a great image picturing four kingdoms that would dominate the Middle East (Daniel 2). The fourth kingdom is widely recognized as the Roman Empire,...

Oh Canada!

“In most places, a world without beavers is a world without water and the life it supports”
(Glynnis Hood, The Beaver Manifesto, p. 5).

Questions and Answers

Are Halloween celebrations a treat—or a trick—for Christians?

Letter to the Editor

July-August 2013

Cover Story

When you face life's discouragements, never forget the wonderful future God has planned for faithful and obedient Christians who endure to the end!

Feature Story

Where has the push for same-sex marriage come from, and what effect will it have on society? Do not let yourself be fooled!

Article 1

Five hundred years ago, a Renaissance writer gave a prescription for effective government. What lessons—for better and for worse—can we learn?

Article 2

Are you achieving your brain's full potential? Are you making the most of the mind-power God has given you?

Tomorrow’s Youth

When Steve Jobs died in 2011 at age 56, he was the famous CEO of Apple Inc., one of the world’s most successful technology companies. Widely regarded as the visionary behind landmark Apple products such as the Macintosh, iPod, iPhone and iPad,...

London Calling

Margaret Thatcher, the first woman to serve as Prime Minister of Britain, became a worldwide phenomenon—a symbol of national revival and restored values. Perhaps only Winston Churchill—Britain’s World War II leader against Nazi tyranny—bears...
