Magazine Articles | Tomorrow's World

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January-February 2014

Letter to the Editor

November-December 2013

Cover Story

World economic conditions are on the brink of collapse. Are you and your loved ones ready?

Feature Story

Why are so many Protestant churches in crisis? What does prophecy reveal will happen to them as the end of this age approaches?

Article 1

Scripture tells of a time at the end of this age when God will strike down rebellious mankind to prepare for the return of Jesus Christ.

Article 2

Is there any hope for peace in our war-weary world?

Article 3

Are you thankful for God's gifts to you? Do you even recognize His greatest gifts?

Tomorrow’s Youth

Do you want to make something of your life? Do you want to be a success? Success in life does not happen by accident. Success is the result of time-tested principles. Here is an example: “The fear of the L...

London Calling

Eight hundred years ago, in St. Albans, England, King John’s restless and dissatisfied Norman barons entered into a series of negotiations with the king’s representatives. The talks dragged on for two years. On June 15, 1215, in a famous meadow...


Your Bible tells us that Satan is the “god” of this present world (2 Corinthians 4:4). He is called the “prince of the power of the air” (Ephesians 2:2).

Oh Canada!

A recent survey by The Reputation Institute surveyed more than 27,000 people from the G-8 countries, to arrive at a reputation ranking for 50 countries around the globe. The result? “Canada has the best reputation, for the third year in a row” (...
