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May-June 2013

London Calling

Did you hear the joke about the beef burger that went into the pub to ask for a pint? “I can’t hear you,” complains the bartender. “Sorry” replies the burger, clutching his throat. “I’m a little horse.”

Watch and Warn

Earlier this year, the world watched as Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio—now Francis I—was elected as the leader of his church and its 1.2 billion adherents. Many wondered about the election process, and have asked themselves the question, “How does God...


Today, my friends, most of you realize that the majority of people have virtually no fear or profound respect for the God of the Bible! They seem not to care about what His inspired word says—about abortion, same-sex marriage,...

Oh Canada!

Professor Judith Adler, of Memorial University of Newfoundland, had grown concerned that many of her students might be lacking an awareness of geography that would enable them to comprehend course issues about global cultural traditions. She gave...

The Works of His Hands

What if we could travel through the microscopic world and enter the amazing environment of a single, solitary, minuscule human cell—just one of the trillions in your body? What an amazing world of wonder we would...

Questions and Answers

Is there more to the Day of Pentecost than most realize?

Letter to the Editor

Thanks so much for your programming and literature. I enjoy learning more about God, Jesus and the Bible. I learn something new each time I watch or read your information...

March-April 2013

Cover Story

Few today would call the United States a "Christian" nation. Confused ideas about God are increasingly prominent, and millions even reject God entirely. Why? And what will happen as a result?

Feature Story

What does God think of human sexuality? Should it be a source of shame? Is it that "anything goes"—or does your Bible reveal important truths regarding Christians and sex?


Are you following Christ's admonition regarding your oaths?
