Roger Meyer | Page 37 | Tomorrow's World

Roger Meyer

You Can See Invisible Things

Lots of things are invisible to our eyes. For example, we cannot see gravity, radio waves, or sound. In the world of make-believe, magic cloaks or rings can make one invisible. In science fiction, cloaking devices make spaceships invisible. Scientists work with stealth technology to try to make things seem invisible, or as close as possible. But, what about the truly invisible things?

How to Live Life Skillfully

Life presents us with little problems, big problems, and more problems. Bad things happen to us. The car unexpectedly breaks down. We may contract an illness or suffer an injury, accident, or tragedy. We may lose a job. Someone dear to us may die. How do we deal with these circumstances when all we want is a healthy and happy life?

Is it Good or Evil?

How do you decide whether or not something is good or evil? Do you feel like such concepts matter in an “enlightened” society? Perhaps the doctors of philosophy, psychology and sociology are the most qualified to make the determination? Or perhaps you believe you can determine for yourself what is good and what is evil?

Better Than...

Mankind is always seeking something better than what we currently have. We want something stronger, lighter, faster, cheaper, safer, longer lasting and more effective. We want the proverbial “better mousetrap.” But, what really is best for you?

Don't Add or Subtract

Various Christian denominations have dozens of doctrines often conflicting with one another, and even with God’s Word, the Holy Bible. Are your beliefs in harmony with the Bible? Do your beliefs “add to” or “take away from” God’s instructions?

God gave clear instructions about many subjects, including marriage, sex, child rearing, family relations, human relations, food, health, how and when to worship Him and how to live righteously. The Bible defines what sin is—and it also describes our destiny, and answers the big and important questions.
