Roger Meyer | Page 35 | Tomorrow's World

Roger Meyer

Leaders to Confusion

Do some of the decisions made by our leaders leave you feeling befuddled and confused? We may think to ourselves, “How could any rational human being come to such strange conclusions and make such decisions?”

We have leaders at many different levels, whether our nations, states, local communities, companies where we work, our schools, or other organized bodies of which we are a member.

Are You a Hater?

Television and Internet news is littered with images of demonstrators holding “hater” signs and chanting a mantra of “Don’t be a hater!” Is it wrong to disagree with the beliefs and the ways some people live and act, and even to hate things that are wrong?

Did Christ Fail in His Mission to Bring Peace?

Christ is called the Prince of Peace. Jesus Christ preached peace. Many think that He came to bring peace on earth. But, right up to present times, no true or lasting peace exists on earth. There is only continuous war. Did Christ fail in His mission to bring peace to this world?

Shields Up!

The world is fraught with dangers of every description: robberies, murders, rapes and assaults occur in every venue, whether school classrooms and hallways, places of work, store parking lots, sidewalks, highways or homes. We all need a protective shield.

Disaster Will Come Upon Disaster

Watching the news is like watching one long disaster movie. One wild fire follows another, destroying hundreds of homes and thousands of wooded acres. One flood follows another, washing away everything in its path. The intensity and frequency of disasters is increasing.
