Roger Meyer | Page 33 | Tomorrow's World

Roger Meyer

Do You Follow the Crowd?

To “follow the crowd” means to go along with the majority—to “go with the flow.” It is conformity. Is following the crowd a good idea?

Noah, Sodom and Today

In the Bible, in the part known to many as the Old Testament, the ancient patriarch Noah is famous for building the ark to save his family from a great flood that destroyed mankind. The ancient city of Sodom was dramatically destroyed for its wickedness. What do they have in common with today?

The End!

“And they lived happily ever after. The end" is the way many children’s stories conclude. Other books, some movies, plays and narrated stories announce the end with just those words—“The end.” All physical things have a beginning and an end.

You and I had a beginning. We were conceived and born. The rest of creation that we see—all of the plants and trees and birds and bees—one day came into existence. We all had a beginning, and we will all come to our physical end.

What You Think You Heard...

Having endured several long (and ongoing) political battles here in the United States in the wake of acrimonious and divisive national elections, with political opponents still attacking each other in speeches and ad campaigns, we could all do with a more gracious kind of talk.

Warring With Evil

True Christians are at war and are therefore soldiers. True Christians must fight. But who is the enemy, and how must a Christian fight?
